#PistahanSF Parade and Festival Selfie Contest — FAAE Pistahan Parade and Festival

#PistahanSF Parade and Festival Selfie Contest

Selfie (or is it an "usie") of super duper Pistahan volunteers Michelle, Moca, Jessie and Antonetta

Selfie (or is it an "usie") of super duper Pistahan volunteers Michelle, Moca, Jessie and Antonetta

Are you the best selfie-taker evah? Do you love #PistahanSF? Join the PistahanSF Selfie Contest!

The Raddest, awesomest, coolest, sickest, handsomest, prettiest, funnest SELFIE wins!

This weekend—Saturday, August 9 & Sunday, August 10—during the Pistahan Parade and Festival, post a selfie to Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #PistahanSFselfie and you will be entered into the contest.

You can take as many selfies as you'd like. Each selfie counts as one entry.

Selfies must be taken during the parade along Market Street and/or during the festival at Yerba Buena Gardens or while celebrating #PistahanSF—the largest celebration of Filipinos and Filipino Americans in the U.S.